Written on: June 20, 2022
How old is your home’s heating oil tank? If it’s more than 20 years old, now is the time to start planning to replace it because you’re on borrowed time. A heating oil tank failure can be inconvenient, stressful, and potentially very expensive because of any cleanup costs for the spilled heating oil.
Servco is here for you! We’ll replace your heating oil tank with a new, high-quality tank. We take care of you every step of the way, securing any needed permits, installing your new tank to meet all regulations and codes, managing disposal of your old tank, and will alert you to any local or state fees for heating oil tank disposal.
There are some things to consider as you plan to replace your heating oil tank.
You need to know two figures.
First is the capacity of your heating oil tank, which is measured in gallons. Second are the dimensions of your tank in width, length, and height.
Your heating oil tank’s capacity is commonly stamped on the tank. If yours doesn’t have it, you can estimate using the dimensions.
A typical home heating oil tank size is 275 gallons and comes in either a vertical (275V) or horizontal (275H) orientation. There are other tank sizes, depending on it they are installed above ground or underground. Other aboveground tank sizes are 288, 340, 420, 500, 550, 675, and 1,000 gallons.
Measure the area where your new heating oil tank will be installed before you choose a new tank. You need to know that it will fit once installed.
Our heating oil pros will talk over your heating oil needs now, as well as take any future plans into consideration. For example, if you plan on expanding your family or if elderly parents are going to be moving in with you, your heating oil usage will likely increase. We’ll let you know if you may want to upgrade to a larger heating oil tank.
Servco Automatic Delivery customers are eligible to enroll in ProGuard heating oil tank insurance, which provides $50,000 of coverage for tank replacement and cleanup costs in the event of a heating oil tank failure.
Summer is a great time to replace your heating oil tank! You’ll be ready whenever you need to turn on the heat this fall. Contact us today to get started.