Take Control of Your Heating Oil Costs

Servco pricing and payment options let you choose what works best!

Servco Oil & Propane has been serving Fairfield County heating oil needs for decades. We understand that our customers don’t all manage their heating oil costs the same way. That is why we offer several pricing and payment options.

Our price protection plans are designed to give you peace of mind about your price for heating oil. However, they do not guarantee the lowest price, so please read the terms and conditions carefully before agreeing to a price protection plan. Please contact us for details on our latest rates.

Pricing options

Pre-Buy. Buy your heating oil in advance of the heating season for an agreed-upon price for however many gallons you contract to buy. A minimum purchase is required. As long as the contract is in effect and there is still purchased heating oil to be delivered, your price will not change.

Fixed Price. As with PreBuy, your price for heating oil is agreed-upon before the start of heating season. No matter what happens in the markets, you’ll know how much you’ll be paying for your heating oil.

Capped Price. This plan places a cap or not-to-exceed price on your heating oil for heating oil season. If our daily price falls below your cap price per gallon, you pay the lower price. There is a fee to have a cap plan, and a signed agreement is required. This plan is best for customers who want to protect against price spikes and are willing to pay a little extra to get the benefit of lower prices.

Daily Price. Your price per gallon is determined by the market rate the day your heating oil is delivered.

Payment choices

Budget Plan. The majority of the heating oil your home will use is during the peak 90 days of winter. That can make your winter bills very high. Our Budget Plan spreads your delivery costs over 11 even, manageable monthly payments. Planning your monthly expenses and preventing unexpected costs are possible with Even-Pay.

Auto Pay. With this option, your monthly payment will be automatically deducted from your checking account or credit card. Your payment is always on time.

We also offer a discount for customers who sign up for automatic ACH payments received within 7 days of delivery with paperless statements.

Get in touch with us if you have any questions about heating oil price plans or payment options.